IDeA-CTR N3C Investigator Engagement Event: Jumpstarting Access to Clinical Data for COVID-19 Research

This is a previous event held Thursday, February 17, 2022.

This event introduced IDeA-CTR investigators to the National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C). The N3C Data Enclave is a secure platform through which harmonized clinical data provided by our contributing members are stored. The Enclave includes demographic and clinical characteristics of patients who have been tested for or diagnosed with COVID-19, and further information about the strategies and outcomes of treatments for those suspected or confirmed to have the virus.

2:00-5:00pm ESTFull EventBrief Program
Full Program
Full Recording
Master Slides
2:00-2:30pm ESTOpening Remarks
Sally Hodder, MD (WV-CTR)
Clifford Rosen, MD (NNE-CTR)
Michele McGuirl, PhD (NIGMS)
2:30-3:30pm ESTCTR N3C Research Studies
Vignettes from Across the CTR Network
What is the Best Therapy for COVID-19?
J. Zachary Porterfield, MD, PhD (UK); Bradley S. Price, PhD (WV-CTR)
Association of Vitamin D Prescribing and Clinical Outcomes in Adults Hospitalized with COVID-19
Kimberly Murray, MPP (NNE-CTR)
Higher Hospitalization and Mortality Rates among SARS-CoV-2 Infected Persons in Rural America
Jerrod Anzalone, MS (GP-CTR)
3:30-4:15pm ESTKeynote
The National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C): A Social Experiment in Collaborative Research
Christopher Chute, MD, DrPH (N3C Co-PI)
4:15-4:45pm ESTOrientation
Getting Started with N3C
Shawn O’Neil, PhD, MS (N3C Training Coordinator)
4:45-5:00pm ESTClosing Remarks
Navigating N3C at Your IDeA-CTR Site
Sharon Patrick, MS, MPA, CPCS (WV-CTR); Elizabeth Chen, PhD (RI-CTR)